Welcome to the New Immigrant Integration Centre

Embrace Your New Future in Edmonton, Alberta

The New Immigrant Integration Centre is a beacon of hope and support for immigrants and refugees seeking a new start. Our mission is to facilitate a smooth transition into Canadian life through a wide array of programs tailored to meet the evolving needs of our community.

Our Comprehensive Services Include:

Our Journey Begins

Founded on the belief that every newcomer has the potential to enrich our community, the New Immigrant Integration Centre embarked on its mission to transform lives through comprehensive support and empowerment. Our story is one of hope, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of a shared dream: to help every immigrant and refugee successfully transition into their new Canadian life.

Empowering New Beginnings

At the core of our mission lies the commitment to offer more than just services—we provide a pathway to belonging. Our dedicated team, comprising individuals who've walked this journey themselves, stands ready to guide, support, and inspire.

Voices of Success

The accurate measure of our impact is seen in the stories of those we've served. From families finding their first Canadian home to individuals achieving their career dreams, these stories are a testament to the courage of our clients and the community we're building together.